Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Afghan woman Schugufa fitness trainer now makes Munich fit

Schugufa Issar Amerchel is the first Afghan fitness trainer in Munich
Munich - Schugufa Issar Amerchel (29) trains in tight fitting leggings in the gym. An everyday picture in our country, unthinkable in her native Afghanistan. Because there it is frowned upon women and often even forbidden to do sports. After the run, she has now as a fitness trainer own business. As the first woman from Afghanistan in Munich.

Sia, as her friends call her, fled the civil war in 1999 with her family to Germany. Lives first in Baden-Württemberg, then from 2007 in Munich. Here, the young woman enjoys her freedom, also through the training. "Already as a child in Kabul, I was very interested in sports. I could not understand why we girls and women are not allowed to do sports. For me there was no logical explanation for it, "says Schugufa Issar Amerchel . "Gymnastics and fitness are virtually non-existent, but mostly bodybuilding. And of course only for men. "
Now she has turned this passion into a profession. As a fitness trainer and nutritionist combines Schugufa western training methods with tradition from their homeland. Focus on trend sports such as Pilates, spine gymnastics, sling training and TRX yoga. In her self-developed "SIA training" she combines individual elements of these sports and spits everything with a portion of Afghanistan. So stretch their participants relax on traditional instrumental music from their old home.
Schugufa Issar Amerchel has now become self-employed as a fitness trainer after middle schooling and commercial training
The course size is a maximum of twelve participants. "That's the only way I can keep track of things and correct each one during the exercises," says Schugufa Issar Amerchel. An important part of her dietetics are Afghan spice and herbal mixtures. These are prepared by her sister Ghezal Issar Amerchel in the two Afghan restaurants "Bamyan Narges" on Gärtnerplatz and in Glockenbachviertel. Following the traditional recipe of their grandparents.
Sia relies on her own body weight instead of heavy equipment during her trainings
The combination arrives. In the meantime, the local building commission of the City of Munich sends its employees to Sia as well as luxury hotels to their guests. That's why she has big plans. "An own oriental studio. With Afghan mats on which I can do Pilates with my participants, "she says. "Oriental lamps with dim light provide a cozy atmosphere. After the training, the participants can then relax with traditional Afghan chai and let the training come to an end. "So far there is no such thing in Munich.
Schugufa Issar Amerchel not only wants to bring a piece of Afghanistan to Munich, but also wants to bring a piece of West to Afghanistan. "My big goal for the future is to set up a volunteer gym specifically for women in Afghanistan," says Sia.
"Because in Afghanistan women and men in public are still strictly separated. Then I'll get not only Munich in shape, but also Kabul. " 

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