Fast food is better than its reputation! It does not make you
sick, but it does not meet the standards of a healthy, balanced diet. That's
why you should avoid eating fast food products in large quantities every day.
industrial manufacturing and long storage, the food loses vitamins and nutrients. Fact:
Fresh and homemade food is better.
Portion: 487 calories, 50.2 g fat, 0 g carbohydrates,
18.8 g protein
Advantage: The sausage contains a lot of protein and iron. The
mustard has a cytoprotective and digestive effect.
Portion: 252 calories, 9.5 g fat, 29.4 g carbohydrates,
12.65 g protein
Advantage: The ground beef provides protein and iron. A
small portion of vitamin C is added to the sparse vegetable topping. In
addition, in the tomato lycopene, a cell-protecting plant substance.
Medium portion: 340 calories, 17.1 g fat, 42.2 g carbohydrates,
4.6 g protein
Advantage: Dietary fiber and vegetable protein come from
the potato. If the fries are only fried for a short time, then they also
have quite a lot of vitamin C.
Portion: 343 calories, 18.2 g fat, 33.6 g carbohydrates,
11.29 g protein
Advantage: The portion is usually quite small, which makes
the calorie count manageable. The mustard promotes digestion.
Frozen pizza (350 grams): 696 calories, 27.3 grams of fat, 87.5 grams of
carbohydrates, 33.6 grams of protein
Advantage: The tomato and tomato sauce have a lot of
lycopene, a cell-protecting plant substance. The cheese also provides
calcium, which strengthens the bones. But only if it is real cheese and no
analog cheese.
Portion: 509 calories, 50.2 g fat, 8.4 g carbohydrates,
19.3 g protein
Advantage: The sausage offers animal ice cream and some
iron. Through the ketchup sauce, the body gets some lycopene, a
cell-protecting plant substance.
Portion: 567 calories, 28.2 g fat, 0 g carbohydrates, 78
g protein
Advantage: The chicken provides a large portion of protein,
B vitamins, zinc and magnesium.
Portion: 556 calories, 8.5 g fat, 90.9 g carbohydrates,
28.4 g protein
Advantage: protein and fat from meat and yoghurt sauce,
plus vitamins and bioactive substances from vegetables such as red and white
cabbage. Onions, tomato and cucumber make the kebab a healthy mix.
Generally, the rule of thumb is: do not eat fast
food more than twice a week. This includes the meatball roll from the
all, everything that comes out of the fryer should be avoided. For
example, if you want to eat a burger, that's fine, but: Drop the fries and add
a salad. Pommes contain carcinogenic acrylamide and unhealthy trans fat
Especially children should not eat too often in fast food
restaurants, otherwise you lose your sense of taste, do not remember how. B.
taste fresh peppers.
And: A visit to the fast food store must never be a reward,
otherwise it gets a false meaning.
survey of the Cologne market research institute "psychonomics" among
1200 people, ages 14 and up, shows that one in four people often suffer from a
bad conscience after having enjoyed fast-food, which is especially true for 14
to 30-year-olds. These are just those who consume the most fast food.
Especially women and older people stated that they were eating
"as healthy as possible" in the fast food shop.
How it works? Also at McDonald's and Co. are real calorie
savers on offer.
Example: A burger at McDonald's has 258 calories. This
corresponds to about 300 grams of low-fat fruit yoghurt (1.5 percent).
- Greek salad 115 calories
- Chicken McNuggets (6 pieces) without sauce 205 calories