Saturday 24 February 2018

That's how women really lose weight The secret power of hormones.2018

Germany's most successful diet doctor Dr. Detlef Pape (54, "Sleeping asleep") - In the New Year, he helps women lose weight . * The female sex hormones provide a different distribution of fat and worse burning than in men. In this new BILD series he explains how women lose weight.

Part 1: The influence of hormones .
When it comes to weight loss, nature knows no justice:
In men, it is enough after a gourmet weekend with friends, just briefly pull the handbrake to lose the two additional mitigated pounds.
Women, on the other hand, have to do more than double to get rid of unwanted hip pads. And excessive starvation, jogging, or the latest Pilates exercises only work for a short time - sometimes not at all.
However, what initially appears to be a great injustice is well-considered by Mother Nature and has ensured the preservation of the human species for millions of years. Finally, strong fat pads on the legs on the hunt were more of a hindrance.
With the man fat from the food, which he does not consume by movement, is usually stored on the stomach. Thanks to the muscles available to him, however, the depots are used up relatively quickly as soon as a man starts to move.
Most women, however, store their fat - at least at a young age - on the buttocks and thighs, from where it (unfortunately) less easily disappears.
This, too, is quite intentional in nature: Maybe the body needs the reserves for a baby, as a reserve for breastfeeding or as a heat storage for a cold winter.
The genetic information for this function is a lifetime in the hormone control of each woman's fat cells - regardless of whether she is ever pregnant or not.
To make it as easy as possible for women, if they decide to lose weight, Dr. Detlef Pape now developed a concept. With a hormone formula that distinguishes women into different types, the goal is to achieve slim and healthy living, uncomplicated.
There are three types of hormones, according to Pape among women - and each one has to lose weight .
The distinction is made according to testosterone, estrogen and progestin types and recommends a different approach to each. Especially the right nutrition and sufficient exercise are of special importance .

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