Reasons for Infertility in Men
Most people are simply unaware that around 35-40% of all infertility problems are because of the male. It’s almost instantly assumed that the female must be having some kind of problems. Yet male infertility is almost as high as female infertility. Some of the common causes of male infertility are widely recognized, such as low sperm count, but there are others that aren’t quite so well-known.Low Sperm Count
Low sperm count or poor sperm mobility can cause infertility. There
are many biological and environmental factors that can cause a low
sperm count.
Age is a factor in sperm production, with a 60% fertilization rate
evident in men younger than 39, but only a 30% fertilization rate for
men older than 40.
However, factors such as stress, impotence and premature ejaculation
can reduce sperm counts as well. In these cases, it could be wise to
work on ways to reduce stress levels and work on the mental and
emotion causes behind impotence and premature ejaculation before
considering medical treatments.
Substance abuse and smoking are well known to both impair sperm
count and reduce mobility drastically. It’s also been proven that men
who smoke have far lower sex drives, so have sex less frequently.
Men who have poor diets or who have specific deficiencies in vitamin
C, selenium, zinc or folate are at far greater risk for low sperm count.
Overheating the testicles can cause temporary low sperm counts and
this can be caused by things like saunas, hot tubs, high fever or even
wearing underwear that causes the testicles to sit too close to the heat
of the body. Combat this by wearing boxer shorts.
Surprisingly, one of the leading causes of impotence and infertility in
men is bicycling. This is because pressure from the bike seat can
damage sensitive blood vessels and nerves that cause erections and
conduct blood flow to the perineum (the area between the scrotum
and the anus). This can damage the testicles and scrotum, reducing
sperm production.
Infertility specialists will happily prescribe drugs and medication to
increase sperm count and boost sperm production. Incidentally, these
are similar to those that stimulate ovulation. Side effects of drugs such
as clomiphene and hMG can cause blurred vision, weight gain and
even liver damage.
Yet there are many, many natural ways to increase sperm count
without resorting to drugs or medications.
Male Tube Blockages
Infertility in men can sometimes be caused by tubal blockages in the
vas deferens or epididymis (these are the tubes that transport sperm).
The most common cause of male tube blockage is varicose veins
within the testicles. However, some sexually transmitted diseases,
such as Chlamydia or gonorrhea can also cause blockage problems.
Doctors will recommend surgery to repair the varicoceles, but it
should be noted that it can take between 6 and 9 months before a male
will be able to impregnate a woman after the surgery.
Once again, there are plenty of natural treatments that can help to
rectify these problems, yet far too many people don’t even consider