Tuesday 27 February 2018

6 tips, you control your love destiny yourself 2018

You want a partner, but do not dare to talk to a stranger? You want to fall in love again after a failed relationship and be happy and do not know how? With a little initiative you can influence your new love destiny yourself.

At least that's not enough: to write notes in your own home with the advantages of a new partner to the universe, to hide them in flower pots or to burn them with a spiritual ritual. Such writing exercises may help you understand what you really want. In the end, however, only helps: to go out and be open.
End with unfulfilled wishes
The Austrian TV journalist (ORF) and author Peter Stacher has met many successful people in his profession and found: There are no higher powers that fulfill a wish. It is the personal attitude that paves the way to happiness and success. In "The universe is in you. End with unfulfilled wishes! "(Ueberreuter Verlag, 176 pages 16,99 Euro), he shows how one can shape his life according to his own ideas.
BILD reveals six tips for more success in the search for partners by Peter Stacher:
1) The inner attitude counts
You do not want to be active in the search for a partner, but want to be addressed and courted? That is allright. What you should pay attention to: It is about the small, unconscious and hardly controllable signals.
If you are scared and shy away from any contact, your eyes will tend to go down. Her gestures are then restrained and her facial muscles limp. Then you act absent-mindedly on your environment. This is reflected, for example, in the lack of brilliance of your eyes.
► If you have taught your subconscious how attractive you are and how much you are looking forward to meeting new people. Then it will happen!
► Your expression will change without you noticing. Your charisma will be completely different. Your perception will adapt. Your behavior on the street, your reactions to certain situations will change. You do not have to pretend.
2) Control your destiny yourself

Open yourself! It's about opening up in certain situations - especially if you've secretly been working on such a situation for a long time.
Just let life run its course without fear that you might run into a trap. Be grateful for little things that bring joy and allow you to slowly step out of  your usual rut. You commit yourself to nothing and you do not sign a marriage contract.
► Expect what makes your life more enjoyable! You control how far you go!

) Make plans for your life

Do you want to change it and do you want a partner? Then make room for it:
► Temporarily, by making your tight single-appointment calendar flexible. Follow your favorite activities but allow yourself to miss an appointment or activity and be spontaneous.
► Spatially, by not putting yourself in the spotlight, your private areas, your home, your gym, whatever, be your personal retreat. Being a couple also means allowing the other's style and giving way to things that are alien to one another at first.
► Mentally, by putting off the fear that your life might be messed up again as it was in the recent disappointment. 
You only have to fear the limitations of partnership if you actually restrict yourself.
Nobody forces you to turn your life upside down. It is your life and only yours alone! If you really do not want to change anything and a partner is a block on your leg, then leave everything as it is. No problem.
►But maybe you just try it, sniff into a new life, be surprised. 

4) Inner pictures lead to the goal

If you are planning to make a nice acquaintance that you may marry and start a family with, then tell yourself that. Encourage your conviction to be 
ready for a loving, romantic relationship.
► Write down a piece of paper that you for example put on your bedside table and say to yourself daily, some sentences like:
I have a great charisma and am an interesting conversation partner. 
It is easy for me to get in contact with interesting men / women. 
Every day I become more self-confident in dealing with my fellow human beings. 
I'm looking forward to meeting new people and approaching them openly. 
I am filled with the things that give me pleasure. 
I feel good in my skin and enjoy life.

5) Do not get discouraged!

It takes the famous first date for a relationship, but that's not all. It also takes the second date, the third and so on. You know that, right? And you know the anticipation. And then the date says an hour before the meeting. For a plausible reason, flu virus, sudden urgent business trip, Nanny has canceled, Wasserrohrbruch ... you can not believe it.
► To your reassurance is said: If the reason for the cancellation was genuine and not just an excuse, the second attempt for the first date is certainly just as nice.

6) It always needs two

But the desire of ONLY one partner is not enough; even if you visualize so many times: this person would sit with you on the sofa in front of the TV, go with you through the park and kiss you passionately. A happy partnership always includes TWO people.
► If the other half does not want the relationship, the chemistry just is not right for her, she has different ideas of the person she wants to spend her life with, or that other half just has enough of relationships and finding herself ... then YOU can wish yourself crazy. It will not work.
► Love has to develop bilaterally, otherwise it has no chance. You need to see what that means: does the potential partner have any other ideas about the relationship with you or none at all? When you realize this, you draw the consequence. Running after someone inappropriately harms you the most. It takes away your dignity and the opportunity to orient your life according to the person who has earned your love.

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