Monday 26 February 2018

oral sex increases the risk of cancer drastically

A recent study by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York found that oral sex practice dramatically increases cancer risk.
The study, published in the journal JAMA Oncology , found that people infected with HPV-16 (Human Papilloma Virus) were up to 22 times more likely to contract a potentially fatal tumor in the mouth and throat.

Experts believe that oral sex is the most likely route of infection to spread human papilloma virus in the mouth. Even Hollywood star Michael Douglas (71), who was diagnosed with pharyngeal cancer in 2010, had later suspected that he may have been infected with the cancer-causing HP virus through oral sex.

That's how the study went

A recent study by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York found that oral sex practice dramatically increases cancer risk.
The study, published in the journal JAMA Oncology , found that people infected with HPV-16 (Human Papilloma Virus) were up to 22 times more likely to contract a potentially fatal tumor in the mouth and throat.
Experts believe that oral sex is the most likely route of infection to spread human papilloma virus in the mouth. Even Hollywood star Michael Douglas (71), who was diagnosed with pharyngeal cancer in 2010, had later suspected that he may have been infected with the cancer-causing HP virus through oral sex.

That's how the study went

For the study, nearly 97,000 people who had traces of HPV virus 16 in their mouths were studied over a longer period of time.
► At the beginning of the study, all subjects were free of cancer. During the study period of an average of four years, a total of 132 study participants fell ill with laryngeal or cervical cancer.
► These data were compared with 396 healthy volunteers who served as controls. In addition, all subjects in the study regularly analyzed the oral flora for several types of oral HP viruses.
The study results suggest that in the future the individual cancer risk could be more easily measured with the help of saliva samples.

Risk of pharyngeal cancer

The specific causes of pharyngeal cancer are not yet fully understood. Among the risk factors for the development of cancer in the throat are mainly alcohol and tobacco consumption. But human papilloma viruses (HPV), transmitted by oral sex, are also blamed for the rise of pharyngeal cancers by some medical professionals.
Prof. Dr. Jens P. Klußmann, medical director of the University of Giessen, told BILD: "These viruses are likely to trigger every second oropharyngeal cancer and every fourth tumor of the oral cavity." Tendency increasing. Klussmann: "Studies show that the risk increases with the number of sexual partners. Presumably also through altered sexual behavior with particular importance of oral practices. "

Especially men are affected by pharyngeal cancer

"Like tumors in the head and neck caused by smoking or alcohol abuse, papillomavirus-related cancers are more common in this region of the body in men: in Europe there are 12,700 new cases per year - in women only 2,530", says Prof. dr. Lutz Gissmann from the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg to BILD. The reason for this is not yet known, perhaps women are more contagious because of a higher viral load.
Men are therefore more vulnerable, but also a woman who satisfies a man oral (fellatio), can thereby be infected with HPV.
Because: The infection can probably happen anywhere where mucous membranes touch. Thus, in addition to sexual intercourse and oral sex is a way of infection for women, because the inner foreskin is a mucous membrane, similar to the structure of the skin in the mouth.
Whether the ejaculate is swallowed does not matter. The viruses are not in the sperm, but sit outside on the penile skin. Condoms do not protect against it 100 percent, since when spreading the viruses on the surface of the rubber can go over.

Risk cervical cancer

HPV infections are also known as the cause of cervical cancer. Types 16 and 18 are considered to be of high risk and are said to be responsible for approximately 70 percent of the malignant tumors of cervical cancer worldwide.
Young girls and women who have not had intercourse can protect themselves from cervical cancer by vaccinating against HP viruses.

There is no cure for the virus. Once infected, it can persist - like other herpes viruses - for life. Men and women can only protect themselves if they avoid the source of infection, use condoms and get vaccinated as a precautionary measure. However, those who already carry the virus in the body can not fight it with a vaccine.

Why is oral sex becoming more popular?

Cunnilingus, the oral pampering program FOR the woman, is no longer a taboo topic. The sexual demands of women are today more demanding and higher than in previous generations. Men who use the pure macho program during sex are no longer in demand. When cunnilingus, YOU can sit back and enjoy - in every women's magazine is openly written about this kind of perfect foreplay.
What diseases are also transmitted during oral sex?
Compared with vaginal or anal intercourse, the risk of contracting oral diseases is less risky - but not excluded! With unprotected cunnilingus and fellatio, there is a risk of becoming infected with HIV, which can cause AIDS. Because only a few people practice oral sex, the risk is hard to calculate.
The same applies to hepatitis A, B and C as well as herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea (gonorrhea), syphilis and worms.
► In general, those who are sexually loyal have a significantly lower risk of HPV than people who frequently change sexual partners.


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