Monday, 12 February 2018

These expert tips replace the beauty surgery

Getting older, but looking younger - who does not want that! Experts are on the trail of the mystery of eternal beauty. 
Practice creates masters
A beautiful, radiant appearance requires in addition to internal and external food and continuous, targeted facial training. Our body and, of course, our face lose around 40 percent of muscle mass as we get older. Who trains his muscles, stimulates the blood circulation and collagen production in the skin - this has a firming effect.
In her book "Unfolding - Facial Training for Radiant Appearance with Immediate Effect", actress Tanja Kuntze, born in 1965, presents exercises that fight against gravity and the signs of skin aging. One of them is the brow straightener.

The brow straightener
·         That's how it's done:
► Place the tips of the three middle fingers on top of the hairline and the thumbs on the side of the temples on the upper ear muscle. Now push your forehead with gentle pressure a few millimeters upwards.
► Now try to look down as far as possible. Also deliberately pull your eyebrows down. If the ears can do it, pull back against it! Back and neck stay long and straight. You can hold the resulting voltage for either 10 seconds, or you can pull down the forehead in 15 pulses (that is, release, tighten, release, etc.).
► As soon as you let go, you will feel that your forehead is relaxing. Enjoy the relaxation and repeat it twice! As an advanced version, you can alternately look to the lower right and lower left. If you keep your eyes in focus, you have a good eye exercise at the same time!
Unfolding - Face training for a radiant appearance with immediate effect 
by Tanja Kuntze
Based on 30 exercises that are easy to integrate into everyday life, actress Tanja Kuntze explains how you can train your facial muscles: the skin is better blooded and tightened, and the collagen production is stimulated. Become an expert on your own face instead of leaving it to gravity, expensive cosmetics or even a surgeon! With exercise DVD.
Reconstruction instead of decay
Dr. Henry S. Lodge is an internist at the Faculty of Medicine at Columbia University. He is primarily concerned with preventive medicine and is one of the two authors of the book "Every year younger".
"Nature knows neither retirement nor aging," explains the physician. "Nature simply obeys the laws of growth and decay." Every year, the bones are renewed once every three months, the blood cells replaced, the taste buds on the tongue even daily.
In a healthy body, cell degeneration triggers the rebuilding of the cells at the same time. This fact can be harnessed - by doing sports.

The Beauty Doc is far from always smooth. An expert explains the dangers and possibilities of Botox & Co.

Kim Gloss speaks openly in the BILD interview about her beauty surgeries. Why is she modeling and what has it cost?
The muscles are involved in the chemical signals of growth processes. "The impulse to contract, which the muscle receives, tells him at the same time that he should grow a little bit," explains the physician. The body perceives the impulse as positive stress. He sets in motion a cascade of repair and construction processes.
Loges theory: "When enough growth signals occur, the degradation signals are drowned out - and the body remains young." 
The growth signals of the muscle are also passed on to the rest of the body. It also improves immune function, sleep, insulin regulation, fat burning and weight loss. 
The secret of young looks lies in athletic training.

Literature Tip

Every year younger - Turn the biological clock back and stay beautiful, fit and attractive 
by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge
How can we turn our biological clock back and effectively fight the normal problems of getting older? Chris Crowley is over 70 years of living proof that the rules work. He and Dr. Henry S. Lodge explains what and when to eat, what sport is helpful, how to keep your mind young, how to stay physically and mentally motivated. 
Published by MVG Verlag, 16.99 euros

Activation of stem cells

Roxy Dillon, who holds a Masters degree in Biochemical Pharmacology from the University of Southampton, is involved in the aging process at the cellular level. "The older we get, the slower our stem cells regenerate - and that affects the skin, hair, tissues and organs," says the expert.
Her plan: "I help you activate your own stem cells in the skin with botanicals, oils, food supplements and foods and extend their lifespan so that more of these cells remain active for a longer period of time. The result? Biologically younger skin and a healthier body. "

stem Cells

The main task of the body's own stem cells - which are called in the skin mesenchymal cells - is the production of young, fresh cells for the skin, muscles, brain, bones and the entire organism. These new, fresh cells replace the old or damaged ones. 
Fibroblasts are connective tissue cells of mesenchymal origin. Their products include collagen, which, together with the proteoglycans, provides increased extracellular matrix strength (a network that supports the cell aggregates).
Mesenchymal cells are actually activated by inflammatory molecules, which contribute to wound healing and reconstruction in case of skin injury. However, there are also natural substances that activate the stem cells, such as vitamin C.
Vitamin C prevents cells - especially fibroblasts - from dying. The fibroblasts synthesize collagen, elastin, and other components of the extracellular matrix, all of which are important for firm, youthful skin.
Pure lemon juice contains both vitamin C and bioflavonoids, but it can be irritating to the skin. Therefore, Roxy Dillon recommends a vitamin C enriched preparations, such as the mixture of Amla and coconut oil.
Amla (Amalaki), also known as Indian gooseberry, is considered one of the most beneficial and nutritious plants of Indian Ayurvedic healing.

·         Amla face care

► Allow 500 grams of virgin coconut oil to melt in a saucepan over low heat and stir in 6 teaspoons of Amla in powdered form. Allow the mixture to simmer for 15 minutes, not allowing it to set, then remove from the flame to allow it to cool.
► Pour the preparation through a sieve while it is free flowing and store it in a container with a wide opening. It does get solid, but melts on contact with the warm skin.
► Put it in the fridge. This product is suitable for the care of clean, unvarnished skin on the face, neck and arms. You can leave it on the skin and gently wipe off excess amounts if your face has become too oily.
Amla powder is available online or in health food stores. 100 grams cost about 6 euros
·         The Jugendgeheimnis 
Staying Young - Looking Young | The biological anti-aging program
·         by Roxy Dillon
·         Roxy Dillon's science-based approach stops two basic factors of aging: hormonal aging and cell aging. These two factors can influence you through the right diet. After all, according to the latest research findings, numerous plant substances that are found in our food lead to youthful appearance and well-being.


The inner values ​​count

Youth is often evaluated on the basis of external considerations. Dr. med. Martin Halle, a specialist in internal medicine, cardiology and sports medicine, is convinced: "Essential to your health and a long life is the 'inner age', the state of your organs such as the heart, lungs or liver and your nerves and bones."
This age, also known as 'biological age', depends on lifestyle, diet, daily exercise, smoking behavior or even alcohol consumption.
According to the medical profession, a central role in the aging process plays the endothelial layer, which lines the vessels from the inside. The endothelial cells contained in it are involved in a number of processes that maintain the health of the vessels. Since premature erosion and aging processes originate in the vessels, it is crucial to supply them well.
In his book, "Staying Young with Healthy Vessels," Dr. Martin Halle different ways for it and stresses, among other things, the beneficial effect of the right diet.

·         Five rules for healthy eating

1. Eat colored! Many healthy foods are colored: red, green, yellow. Common to all is that they contain polyphenols and dyes that protect against free radicals as so-called antioxidants.
2. Fruit for dessert! If fruit is enjoyed as a dessert, the blood sugar level rises less.
Seasonal shopping! This ensures a high content of phytochemicals and protects the environment.
4. Fish! Fish! Fish! It's best to eat it three times a week. The unsaturated fatty acids are crucial to the functioning of endothelial cells.
Legumes such as lentils, beans and peas as well as nuts have one thing in common - unsaturated fatty acids.

Tips from:

Staying young with healthy vessels 
How to turn your biological clock back 

from Prof. Dr. med. med. Martin Halle
The age reflects only limited the physical and mental fitness and does not necessarily say something about our life expectancy. The key factor for health into old age is the condition of our vessels, because they are responsible for the care of our organs. Prof. Dr. med. Martin Halle explains how our lifestyle can prematurely age or keep young the vessels and thus the whole body.

Healthy nutrition is an elixir of life for the endothelial cells. The right ingredients prevent the onset of aging factors and delay the process of arteriosclerosis, which can reset the biological clock.
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