If your own skin is already flaky and dull, dry and rough, at the latest then you should worry about skin care.
the hands and face are constantly exposed to external influences such as dirt
and fine particles, which is why they are very vulnerable and often sensitive. In
the worst case, eczema can develop, which can also be regarded as a harbinger
of dermatitis.
Skin care while shaving
Blemished skin
natural resources
Skin care while showering
Skin care and sunbathing
Skin care in winter
More about skin care
Statistically, skin problems associated with dehydration are
number 1 in this area. And the trigger for this is usually a disturbed
skin barrier between the individual skin layers.
In this way, a variety of hazardous pollutants can no longer be
prevented from entering. It breaks through the individual barrier layers
and causes the skin to lose moisture.
According to the latest scientific knowledge, it has been proven
that sensible skin care leads to a stronger immune system.
in turn supports the skin better, which kills two birds with one stone.
Shortened hair grows faster
It would be nice, but: Hair
growth is neither stimulated nor slowed by the shortening of the hair. Hair
growth is controlled in the root. Whether the hair is shaved or freshly
cut does not matter.
100 brush strokes make the hair shiny
If the hair is not combed, it can
not shine because it works through its ordered entirety. But: 100 brush
strokes are too much of a good thing. Comb the hair well - done. Best
with a brush with natural bristles, because it treats the hair very gently.
Pimples are the result of bad skin cleansing
Be careful with too fast
judgments. Oily skin produces more sebum than dry skin. The sebaceous
glands clog from the inside, it comes to inflammation. With lack of
"purity" or lack of care has nothing to do!
White spots on the nails show a nutrient deficiency
You can save yourself the extra
calcium tablet. Where the white spots come from is not yet known.
The sooner you express a pimple, the better
Better keep your fingers off the
unpleasant fellows in the face. When squeezing pressure is exerted on the
pus. The likelihood that it will burst inward and make the inflammation
worse there is very high.
Sun and sunbed against pimples
Unfortunately, this is only
short-term: UV light reduces sebum production and is slightly
anti-inflammatory. However, if the sun goes down, the pimples are stronger
than before, the UV light thickens the skin minimally, and the thicker the
skin, the more it tends to pimple problems.
Cucumber slices reduce eye wrinkles
If the cucumber comes straight
from the fridge, it can help with the swelling. In the fight against
wrinkles, however, the household cucumber fails. Although moist wet
cucumbers moisturize the skin, but in the long term it tends to dehydrate due
to evaporation. Better, you use a special eye cream.
From lip balm you become dependent
The lips have almost no sebaceous
glands and therefore can not provide themselves with fat. So that they do
not become brittle and cracked, we use lip balm with nourishing fats and oils. We
want to give in to the need to use the stick more often because addictive
ingredients do not contain it.
Make-up does not breathe the skin
Not correct! Make-up ages
the skin more slowly because it also protects against harmful UV rays. Enough
air gets them makeup too! Nevertheless, make-up removal is obligatory in
the evening, so that the skin can renew itself.
Cold is bad for the skin
Not correct! It depends on
the dose: cold promotes blood circulation and even helps against chronic skin
diseases. Excessive cold shocks, however, cause couperose and cold always
dries out the skin - because cold air can store very little moisture. It
helps a fat-based protective cream.
There are many reasons why skin defects can occur:
Excessive washing of the respective lots
Excess of hormones (eg puberty)
Detergents in skin care products
General aging processes
UV light
Low-fat and high-fat diet
High temperature fluctuations
Caring products with too high a content of paraffin can be
especially stressful for the skin. If you want to begin to subject your
skin to meaningful skin care, paraffins should be avoided at first.
skin could easily be allergic to it, so it is important to take care of it
during this time and provide it with sufficient moisture. In this phase,
the individual skin barriers are again forced to work independently and to form
again to a normal level.
To provide the skin with the first level of hydration, liposomes,
linoleic acids, ceramides, and many other types of fats are well-suited to
moisturize and moisturize the skin.
these fats are supplied to the skin, it is necessary to reduce the occurrence
of other substances. These include mineral waxes, mineral oils and
detergent substances. Regardless of whether they are contained in make-up,
shower gel or facial creams, they must be avoided.
This shows significant improvements in skin health through
Elimination of all tensions of the skin
Immune system improves
Soft, silky, smooth, shiny skin
Advantages that result from this:
Slowing down the aging of the skin
Likelihood of eczema decreases
Elimination of cornification
Elimination of solid and permanent blackheads
You see, there are a lot of factors to consider before you really
get started on skincare. Since people often misinterpret the signs of the
skin, they often do more harm than good with measures.
★ First determine the skin type ★
you enter the drugstore, you must first know the problems and needs of your
skin. There are roughly five types of skin: impure / oily skin, dry,
normal, sensitive and combination skin.
If you are unsure about the determination, you should consult a dermatologist
or beautician for advice.
and oily skin
Greasy skin usually shines heavily,
looks rather thick and coarse-pored and tends to blemishes and pimples. Due
to the excess sebum, it stores moisture well.
Dr. med. Christoph Liebich
Skin cleansing: mild moisturizing Syndet (synthetic,
washing-active substances), skin pH adjusted to the skin, should remove fat
well, wash with warm water, with strong fat production may use alcoholic
solutions (tonic) to support.
Skin Care: Non-greasy gels, lotions, "oil in
water" type creams.
Dry skin is usually a very delicate,
fine-pored skin that suffers from dehydration (term sebostasis). Often, it
has only a thin film of hydrolipid, which impairs its barrier function. It
feels rough, is brittle, slightly cracked, flakes lightly and is sensitive,
especially to temperature. In winter it is drier because less sebum is
produced and this is distributed worse.
Dr. med. Christoph Liebich
Skin cleansing: If the skin is not
very dirty, wash only with cool, boiled water (irritates less), otherwise use
moisturizing syndet, avoid degreasing, alkaline washing active substances, do
not rub off.
Skin care: Fatty creams and ointments
of the "water in oil" type, more fatty in winter.
Normal skin is characterized by its
simplicity and is neither too dehydrated nor too greasy. The acid mantle
of normal skin is intact and its pores are barely visible. She is well
supplied with blood and looks fresh.
Dr. med. Christoph Liebich
Skin cleansing: Normal
skin normally tolerates all washing substances, but do not overdo it.
Skin care: Simple, mild cream for moisturizing, in winter
maybe a bit richer.
Sensitive skin tends to dryness and
redness, is fine-pored and delicate. Her barrier function is disturbed -
so she can not protect enough: It tenses easily, burns, is quickly irritated
and red.
Dr. med. Christoph Liebich
Skin cleansing & skin care: Beware of irritating active ingredients such as
fruit acids, vitamin C, fragrances etc.
Combination Skin is a combination of
greasy and dry, characterized by the fatty T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and
dry cheeks. The T-zone is prone to blemishes, while the dry skin is found
on the temples, eyes and cheeks.
Dr. med. Christoph Liebich
Skin cleansing & skin care: Maintain each zone with the appropriate means
(see greasy skin and dry skin), pay attention to special products.
Those who are completely unsure about their own skin problem
should consider a professional skin analysis. In a professional skin
analysis, both fat and moisture content as well as the degree of the respective
skin protection are determined.
Based on these factors, a doctor or a beautician can give valuable
tips for a doctor or a self-treatment.
addition, it makes sense to visit a doctor for severe skin problems anyway. This
can determine not only a skin analysis of all defects of the skin, but also the
immune system. Since the skin and the immune system are in constant
interaction with each other, they are extremely influential.
This means in cases of skin diseases that the immune
system is attacked.
however, the immune system is attacked by, for example, a flu, the weakness
transfers to the skin. Therefore, both factors should always be considered
in relation to each other. Otherwise, mistakes will be made in the
A healthy diet, sports, fresh air and walks contribute to the
immune system and thus to the strength of the skin. However, these facts
are not prescribed by any doctor and are not sold by a beautician. Initiative!
★ Do It Yourself: beauty helper from the
fridge ★
Fruits and vegetables make us not only beautiful from the inside:
processed into masks, scrubs and face lotion act as natural skin care products. Have
you ever wondered why Grandma is so naturally beautiful?
prefers to use proven home remedies rather than chemicals from the retail
trade. This is "natural cosmetics" in the truest sense of the
word. And another advantage of DIY cosmetics: it is many times cheaper
than the commercial version and almost always in the fridge.
► Lemons, for
example, can be used to make several beauty products, such as As the tonic
for every skin type. Mature women are best for a refreshing mask.
The ingredients of the cucumber clarify
the skin, make it dull, soothe and moisturize. Facial Toner helps to
quickly rebuild the acid mantle of the skin. Mild facial water from
cucumber juice is especially suitable for combination skin.
Here are some simple and inexpensive beauty home remedies:
lemon water
Pour the juice of half a lemon into a
glass of tap or mineral water. Stir well and then rub the face with it. Be
careful if the citric acid touches open wounds - it hurts!
No mask works as fast as this: mix
cream with the juice of half a lemon, apply to the skin and leave for 20 to 30
minutes. Then remove the cream and possibly clean with lotion.
Squeeze the juice from a cucumber and
put the pure cucumber juice on a cotton ball. Rub the face several times -
this clears the skin, makes it dull, soothes and moisturizes.
Mince the sliced cucumber in a
blender, add a dash of lemon juice and a tablespoon of beaten egg whites. Apply
the mask, wash with lukewarm water after fifteen minutes.
Stir the yeast with a little lukewarm
water and best apply a brush to the skin. Leave on for five to ten minutes
and rinse thoroughly.
Care for irritated skin: Dip a small
towel in half a liter of buttermilk and put on the skin for five to ten
minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Incidentally,
this recipe also works wonders for sunburn!
Cut an apple in half and remove the
core. Now take the apple piece in your hand and massage with circular
movements face, neck and décolleté. The pectin of the apple stimulates the
blood circulation, has a firming effect and moisturizes.
Lip Balm
Apply liquid honey to your lips and
leave it on overnight. Honey softens and softens the lips, has a healing
effect and moisturises and hydrates the skin.
Good against blackheads. Rub a
tomato slice over the unloved black dots. For a long time, blackheads will
not be able to resist this treatment.
For inflamed and impure skin, a steam
bath with peppermint helps. Who does not grow them in the garden, can also
fall back on tea bags. Put the peppermint in a bowl and pour boiling water
over it. Let stand for five minutes, then let the steam on the facial skin
with a large cloth over the head for ten minutes.
care for the face should not be overdone. Because when cleaning the skin
is degreased - and the fat layer is their natural protection.
who suffers from too-oily skin has a slightly easier time with facial care:
antibacterial washing gels and foaming washing creams are well tolerated by
this skin type. For sensitive skin, skin care for the face, however, must
be much gentler. Good is cleansing milk or gel without fragrances. Important:
Use a lotion without alcohol to rub in.
a tonic you can do without the skin care for the face confidently. If you
still want to use one, it should be absolutely non-alcoholic. Finally, the
skin should be rubbed with a high-fat cream, which moisturizes and binds in the
the skin gets too dry, regular skin care with creams is mandatory. Skin
creams are mostly water and fat. Emulsifiers combine these two components. For
better care and a pleasant smell, vitamins and other ingredients are often
a distinction is made between water-in-oil emulsions and oil-in-water
emulsions. The former are particularly greasy and suitable for dry skin. Oil-in-water
emulsions with their high water content are suitable for oily skin. As a
general rule, use water-based creams in the summer and more fatty creams in the
Excessive skin care with creams can lead to perioral dermatitis. These are
inflammations of the skin that occur around the mouth. The unsightly
episode: small bubbles and knots.
Skin care while shaving
right skin care for shaving is particularly important: whether wet or dry, then
the skin should be rinsed off with lukewarm water. Then apply the best
balm. It is gentle and moisturizes. Beware of aftershave: Many
remedies contain alcohol. Although this initially refreshing, but burns on
cuts and dries out the skin.
is available with different ingredients. But which are effective? Good
for skin care while shaving are the substances from the aloe vera plant. They
have a moisturizing effect, which is especially important for dry skin. Vitamin
E is also considered a protective vitamin for the skin. Especially since
it has anti-inflammatory effects. Cocoa butter also moisturizes and calms
the skin after shaving.
Blemished skin
and blemished skin are not caused by lack of skin care. On the contrary:
aggressive detergents often aggravate the problem even more.
adolescents, a hormonal change is usually responsible for pimples and blemished
skin. The structure of the skin changes. It gets greasier and loses
its smoothness. Due to hormonal deposits, the sebaceous glands increase
and clog. The result is pimples.
the skin is attacked by everyday stresses, experts recommend that only gentle
care for pimples and impure skin apply. In a mild acne, non-alcoholic
remedies for oily skin. In severe cases, a dermatologist should always be
consulted. He can determine the exact cause and put together the right
care products.
natural resources
use natural products for skincare is very much in the trend and goes back far
in history: Already from ancient Egypt is known that Cleopatra swore by the
juice of aloe vera. Their nourishing effect is undisputed: Aloe vera
moisturizes and stimulates blood circulation. Just the thing for dry skin.
meadow flower chamomile is a good natural remedy for skin care. Their oil
contains alpha-bisabolol. It soothes the skin, redness and irritation
subsides. That is why it can be found in many shampoos. Peppermint,
on the other hand, kills germs and has an anti-inflammatory effect - and is
therefore used for shaving balm.
natural remedy for skin care is the rose. Its essential oil improves the
elasticity of the skin and stimulates collagen formation.
Skin care while showering
skincare starts with showering - not only afterwards. Important: Do not shower
too long, not too hot and not too frothy. The water does not only remove
the dirt from the pores. Also the useful - and important - grease
protective layer is rinsed under the hot jet.
the right skincare while showering, you can still put under the shower every
day without hesitation. Best to do without soaps and strong foaming shower
gels. Better are mild shower gels with natural care oils.
rubbing afterwards stimulates the blood circulation, but it is also bad for the
fat layer. Better for skin care while showering: Use the towel to dab the
skin gently. And then cream immediately.
Skin care and sunbathing
enjoy the summer carefree, you should take some tips in skin care and
sunbathing. Basically, between 11 am and 3 pm, the sun shines the most -
correspondingly high is the dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Therefore you
should visit a shady spot during the hot lunch hours.
you should always sunscreen with a sunscreen with a high SPF apply. As a
rule of thumb, the brighter the skin type, the higher the SPF must be.
the body sweats more at high temperatures, the skin automatically becomes
greasier, clogging the pores faster. For the topic of skin care and sun,
this means: It needs to be cleaned more thoroughly than in winter. The skin
cream should be slightly hydrated than in the cold season.
Skin care in winter
the cold season the skin is exposed to special stress: warm dry air inside,
frosty air outside. To make matters worse, that the fat production
decreases in the cold. That's why skin care in winter is particularly
should be avoided in the cold season, they are too aggressive. Instead,
use better moisturizers. Brittle lips can be cared for with a fatty
protection needs during skin care in winter hands. They are cracking fast. Again,
frequent creaming helps. If you go outside, put your freshly creamed hands
in cotton gloves.
of a good skin care in winter is to bathe a little. If you ever get into
the tub, then with oil additives instead of foam baths.
Why does our skin get so
rough in winter?
Cold outside air dries out the skin,
because sebaceous and sweat glands do not work like in summer at full speed. The
result: protective fats (lipids) are missing, the skin is no longer supple. Dry
heating air additionally removes moisture. Long and too hot showering or
bathing also makes the skin rough. Better: Just rinse off briefly and use
shower oil with moisturizing substances! Take an oil bath at least twice a
can I do against dry skin?
In winter, our skin needs fat! The
best way to care for the face is to use a rich cold protection cream (eg with
shea butter), always use a greasy hand cream after washing. Tip for men:
After shaving, apply a nourishing lotion!
helps against chapped and itchy skin?
To make cracked skin more supple,
apply wound and salve ointments or less vegetable-based fatty creams. We
recommend products containing witch hazel (witch hazel) because they are
moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic.
do dry, torn lips become kiss-friendly again?
Our lips contain no sebaceous glands
and are thinner than any other skin area. Lip balm with extracts of
Chinese liquorice root and panthenol intensively nourish. Also well suited
is a lip care based on beeswax.
do I care for spotty skin?
What is missing on the mouth, the skin
on the back usually too much: Sebum glands! If these parts of the skin can
not breathe in winter, pimples often develop. A gentle, regular rub with a
body brush stimulates blood circulation. Then apply a care milk with tea
tree oil!
do I best protect the eye area?
The area of the skin that surrounds
our eyes is very sensitive and needs to be well cared for in the winter. Tip:
Apply skin oil or cream (preferably unscented) to a cotton pad and place on
closed eyes.
do I prevent dry scalp?
Cold and heating air dry out the scalp
and hair, it can easily lead to split ends and hair breakage. Regular care
treatments help. Also important: do not blow dry your hair and use a
natural brush!
can I do with nails attacked?
Massage a drop of jojoba oil into the
cuticle. Also helps: a lip balm!
do I protect my skin from winter stress?
Do you drink much! Ideal are two
to three liters daily. Refuel Vitamins - B vitamins provide the skin with
builders, vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and can protect the skin from
premature aging and wrinkles. Sleep well, as the skin can naturally retain
moisture during sleep!
More about skin care
skin is our largest organ. It is almost always exposed to wind and weather
on the face - and often on the arms and legs. Therefore, it must be
maintained constantly.
before you cream and cleanse wild, you should first determine your skin type. Because
oily skin needs different remedies than dry ones. If you are unsure, ask
your dermatologist. He determines the skin type and can tell you more
about skincare.
pay attention to the seasons when caring: In winter, the skin needs more fatty
creams than in summer. Tips, suggestions and more about skincare can be
found on the Internet at health counselors and the pages of the cream